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BC Green Party (BC Green Party Greater Kelowna Riding Association Volunteer)
Organization Name: BC Green PartyOpportunity Title: BC Green Party Greater Kelowna Riding Association Volunteer
Category: Boards / Committee / Leadership
Commitment: Less than 6 months, 6 months to 1 year, Ongoing Opportunity (> 1 year)
Start Date: November 7, 2022
End Date: October 7, 2023
- Appropriate for youth (i.e., less than 18)
- Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
- Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
Are you concerned about British Columbia’s direction on climate change, affordability, or social justice and want to join a team that strives to bring about a better future through provincial politics? Then this post might be for you! The BC Greens Greater Kelowna Riding Association (GKRA) is looking to bolster its executive team by adding a few volunteers to our team. At its core, the GKRA facilitates provincial elections for the three or four Greater Kelowna ridings to make it possible to elect MLA’s that represent that BC Green Party. When we’re not busy running provincial elections (which generally open happen every 2-4 years) our group stays active by helping to build a green community in Kelowna. The GKRA is looking to add motivated volunteer(s) to our executive team which will generally involve three main things i) attending monthly meetings, ii) organizing events to build the green community in Kelowna, iii) contributing towards election preparedness. The time expectation is around 2-4hours per month, but is flexible for your circumstances. Your time volunteering can also be tailored to your liking – for instance, if you are passionate about working on developing policy on forestry practices in the Interior region we will do our best to connect you with the right people. Benefits of volunteering: Connection to the green community in Kelowna Satisfaction of furthering progressive ideas during a time of overlapping crises (i.e. housing, opioid and climate) Volunteer experience that can help with university or job applications Interesting conversations that will broaden your perspective A deeper understanding into the inner workings of local politics We welcome and encourage applications from Indigenous people, Black, people of colour, women, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as LGBTQ2S+. You’re welcome to join a meeting or two to see if it’s a good fit. There is no strict time commitment, we all live busy lives, so whatever you can contribute is greatly appreciated Right now 14 to 25 year olds can become a BC Green member for free! If you have any questions or want to connect please call Ryan at (250) 859-0581 or email at