BC Thanksgiving Food Drive

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: West Kelowna, Westbank, British Columbia
Contact: Cyndi Wellington
Website: http://bctfooddrive.org/

BC Thanksgiving Food Drive Logo

The BC Thanksgiving Food Drive began in 2009 in the city of Burnaby to assist the local food bank. It has now expanded province wide and is able to assist dozens of community food banks serving over 50 cities and many thousands of needy individuals and families throughout British Columbia.

The BCTFD is a non-denominational project and is open to all interested individuals, community groups, religious organizations, businesses or others who wish to join us in helping attend to the needs of the hungry in our province. We are always recruiting volunteers to help with planning and organizing our events or completing collection routes.

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BC Thanksgiving Food Drive’s Volunteer Opportunities

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You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Contact BC Thanksgiving Food Drive

Get Directions

West Kelowna, Westbank, British Columbia

Other Organizations

  • CARE Canada

  • Arion Therapeutic Farm

  • Food-It-Forward Okanagan

  • Arts Council of the Central Okanagan (ARTSCO)

  • AgeCare Corporate