Interior Health Lifeline Program
Organization Type: Health & MedicalAddress: 155 Gray Road, Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 1W6
Contact: Joyce Ericson

The Interior Health Lifeline Program offers an emergency response services to those who live alone or are medically at risk and who wish to remain independent in their own homes.
Volunteers are needed in the Kelowna and West Kelowna areas to install equipment, provide an equipment range test and demonstrate how the Lifeline equipment works as well as remove and clean Lifeline equipment, or troubleshoot any equipment issues such as battery replacements.
Prerequisites for the position are a sense of humour, the ability to talk easily to seniors and others with multiple health issues, a couple of free hours a week and a roadworthy vehicle. Mileage is paid at 50 cents per kilometre.
A criminal record check is required and training will be provided by Interior Health staff.