Stroke Recovery Association of B.C.

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Suite 301, 1212 West Broadway – Head Office, Vancouver, British Columbia
Contact: Robyn Angelucci

Stroke Recovery Association of B.C. Logo

Stroke Recovery Association on BC provides services, education and advocacy to those affected by stroke throughout every stage of recovery.  Our services and resources deliver hope and help to stroke survivors as well and their families, friends and health care professionals.  The Stroke Recovery Association of British Columbia is a proud affiliate of After Stroke, a program of March of Dimes Canada.

Stroke Recovery Association of B.C.’s Volunteer Opportunities

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The million little things that drop into your hands The small opportunities each day brings He leaves us free to use or abuse And goes unchanging along His silent way.

Helen Keller

Contact Stroke Recovery Association of B.C.

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Suite 301, 1212 West Broadway – Head Office, Vancouver, British Columbia

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